
  • Make sure you have the technology you need to be successful. Install and test Zoom and any other software that your instructors expect you to use (such as Explain Everything), ensure that you have a reliable and secure internet connection, and follow IS&T’s tips for managing your bandwidth. If you require resources beyond the software available through IS&T, please send an explanation of your needs and situation to to request any necessary resources.

  • Whether your classes are asynchronous (recorded content that you can access on your own time) or synchronous (live discussions or lectures conducted in real-time over a platform like Zoom), you should try to dedicate distraction-free blocks of time for completing your work. If possible, let roommates and/or family members know that you should not be bothered during these set times. 

  • Note the important dates, big changes, and key links for each of your classes in a convenient location. If you are not sure how certain aspects of your class will adapt to the remote environment, ask your instructor or TA for clarification.

  • Both students and instructors (who will be teaching from their homes) may face additional caregiving responsibilities due to school closures or family illnesses. Be understanding and upfront about your needs with both your instructors and people who may be dependent on you. Leniency, patience, and flexibility are expected from everyone;  clear communication is vital. 

  • Keep your computer and workspace distraction-free by turning off notifications and cleaning your workspace of unnecessary items. If you are used to working in multiple different spaces on campus, try to do the same wherever you are, saving the quietest space for synchronous classes and your most intense work times.

  • Familiarize yourself with the updated calendar, grading policies, and other academic expectations on the Registrar’s Office website.